About Us

The company AMT has been active in digital business and innovation since 2009 in various industries and was founded in 1995.
We look forward to meeting you and finding your best business development way of the future with a sustainable impact on profit.
With our many years of experience and best of class service, we guarantee a good cooperation and partnership.
A M T win the Excellence Award
The ghp committee selected AMT as the winner and awarded this recognition. This is a surprise for AMT and it is a special recognition of our very good work in the sectors on the subject of digitization.
Our digital experience and the quality of the projects are proof of a solid success story. Many thanks to our AMT team and the leadership of Reiner Petzold (CDO honorable and former Head Director and Expert), who achieved this top performance.
"Yes, this is a peak performance: I and our AMT team are surprised and look forward to this successful moment. Our BUSINESS EXCELLENCE in DIGITAL BUSINESS INNOVATION is an honorable confirmation of our excellent digital work with innovative projects at multinational clients. " Reiner Petzold
Business Excellence

Business Lines & Services
Our tailor-made service for you at Business Lines and Services is unique. Target-oriented and future-oriented, we develop and realize your projects in the best quality and you receive a greater benefit and added value.

Experience & Know-how
Our knowledge and over 20 years of professional experience is ready for you. Together we are working step by step, the Digital Business Innovation solutions. Today is already tomorrow and the future begins now.

Thanks to our former Digital Expert
Mr. Reiner Petzold is leaving our company and will be working in the service of the Swiss Government from 2022. His new area is Digital Transformation - Strategy and Innovation. We thank him for all successful digital developments and projects. The company thanks for his commitment and special achievements as a leader and expert.
Video of Digital Experience
Here are two examples from our work, have a lot of fun and enjoy the video.
Movie show: Video-1 Digital Business Innovation